Blackjack, also known as 21, is a card game that is believed to have originated in France in the early 18th century. The game was later introduced to the United States, where it became popular in casinos. In blackjack, the goal is to have a hand value of 21 or as close to 21 as possible without going over but above all beating the dealer’s hand. Players are dealt two cards and the value of their hand is determined by the sum of the values of those cards. Face cards (jack, queen, king) are worth 10, and all other cards are worth their face value with an Ace being worth 1/11. The player can choose to “hit” and receive additional cards in an attempt to improve their hand, or “stand” and keep their current hand. There are a few more actions a player can take such as “doubling down”, “splitting” or “taking insurance”. The dealer must follow a set of rules, known as the “house rules” when deciding when to hit or stand. Blackjack is a simple and exciting game that has become a popular choice for players.
Table layout:
A blackjack table will typically seat around 7 players and they are positioned on a curve all facing the dealer. There is an area for the dealer to display their hand so all players can see. In front of the players, there is a designated area where the player will place their bets. In between where the player sits and the dealer there is a section that displays the house rules. Below is an example blackjack table layout.

Blackjack – This happens when the first two cards make 21. This will happen if the two cards are an A paired with a 10 or a face card. The payout for this is typically 3 to 2.
Bust – This happens when you hit and the new card makes your total more than 21. When this happens you immediately lose regardless of what the dealer has.
Push – This happens when both the player and the dealer finish on the same total. When this happens you simply get your money back neither winning nor losing.
Hard – This means that the Aces are already being used as a 1 and cannot be reduced any further. Hitting and going over 21 will result in a bust.
Soft – This means that there is an Ace and it is being used as an 11 and not a 1. For example, if you have an Ace & 7 that is a soft 18. If you were to hit and got a 6 then the Ace would become a 1 and you would have a hard 14.
Perfect Basic Strategy:
The perfect basic strategy in blackjack is a set of rules that determines the optimal way to play every possible hand in the game. It takes into account the player’s hand, the dealer’s up card, and the rules of the game. The goal is to minimize the house edge. By following a basic strategy, players can reduce the house edge to a minimum and improve their chances of winning.

Original Bet – At every table, there will be a minimum and maximum bet and you must place a wager within the given range.
Hit – This means that you would like to receive another card. You can do this by saying it or tapping your finger on the table.
Stand – This means that you don’t want any more cards and you would like to stay where you are at. You can do this by saying it or swaying your hand side to side horizontally above the table.
Double down – This means that you are doubling your original wager and will be receiving one more card. You can do this by saying it and placing an additional bet next to your original one.
Split – This can be done when your original cards are of the same value. To do this you have to place another bet of the same amount as your original bet thus creating two separate hands.
Take Insurance – You can make this bet when the dealer is showing an Ace. By doing this you believe that the dealer has blackjack and can receive some money back from it. Insurance typically pays 2 to 1.
Getting chips:
When you walk up to a Blackjack table you can either give the dealer cash or chips that you previously had from a different game. They will then give you chips at face value in the denomination breakdown of your choosing. For example, if you walk up with €500 you can ask for €100 in €5 chips and €400 in €25 euro chips.
Placing bets:
Before the hand begins you place your chips in the designated area. This is done to prevent confusion about what chips were being wagered and what chips were just on the table out of play. Once the dealer begins you cannot change your bet.
The dealer gives each player one card face up from left to right and then a card to the dealer area, face down. On the second pass, the dealer again gives each player a second face-up card followed by the dealers only face-up card. At the point if the dealer’s up card is a 10, face, or Ace they will ask the players if they want insurance and then check the down card for blackjack. If the dealer has blackjack then everyone at the table immediately loses unless the player also has blackjack. If the dealer does not have blackjack then the action goes from left to right and does not move on to the next player until the current player finishes. If the player has blackjack then they are paid immediately as well as if the player busts their wager and cards are taken immediately. In the case that the player stands they wait for the dealer to finish running out their hand before paying the player or taking their chips. Typical house rules will be that the dealer must hit a soft 17 and stand on a hard one. This means that the dealer will continue to hit until they have reached a number at or greater than 17 unless the 17 is soft. Also, it is common to see Blackjack being played with an 8-deck shoe and a card stuck somewhere in between to signify a stopping point and to reshuffle. This is done to make counting cards more difficult.
Collecting Winnings:
After the dealer has paid out all the players at the table you can tell the dealer that you are done playing and would like to “color up”. They will take your chips, count them, report the amount and give you the highest denomination chips possible for the amount that you have. You can take these chips to another game or cash them out at the cage.